Not Getting Any Younger

Tuesday, November 29, 2011 0 comments
Monday. November 7, I had a very important meeting in Tagaytay, so I went straight to Tagayatay (from Manila) for a 9 am meeting. I took my lunch at home and went back to QC for a 4pm meeting. The meeting ended at about 7pm. My head was aching and I was feeling cold. 

I went home with a fever. Got sick. and it lasted until the next day.It was torture. I also had rashes while I was sick. For some reason, I felt better 2 days after, I went with the production team to do location hunting. Walking. Dead tired. I felt sick again. I went home to Tagaytay the next day (Thursday). 

My mom noticed the rashes. She also thought I walked strange (like I was so weak). She thought that I had dengue. So she brought me to the hospital to get my blood checked. And she was right, my platelets were 2000 below the normal count. I need to take meds, rehydrate and rest to feel better. The doctor gave me a choice to get confined or to rest at home (while having a daily platelet count).

I stayed at home.

Tawatawa leaves(tea) for normal count of platelets.
Snacks! Vitamin C.


My bestfriends.

Hospital bed haha
My only visitor. hehe
 I'm not getting any younger. I seriously have to take care of my health.


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